Starlings gather in huge numbers in urban and rural areas. Congregating in places with a large human population, they can become pests.
Flocks of starlings can make a lot of noise. The sight of a murmuration of starlings can be unique, and their song calls can be charming. However, such large numbers of birds inevitably cause problems, and their various noises can become an irritation.
Starling droppings can quickly become a significant cause for concern. Not only are they unpleasant and slippery, but they can also cause histoplasmosis, an airborne disease that affects the lungs of humans.
Flocks of starlings will also get through an awful lot of food. This can be a problem on farms where they will raid stocks accumulated for livestock, or food distribution areas where they will cause damage to palletised food products and scavenge on any waste.
Have you got a pest problem with starlings?
Starlings almost always nest in cavities – any small dark opening that simulates a tree – so you will often find them inhabiting roof spaces and any other openings in buildings.
You might notice an abundance of feathers, straw or any other nesting debris. Starlings can also cause significant damage to property as they seek to access and gather materials to make their nests.
How we deal with starling problems
We will deploy a bespoke solution to any pest problems caused by starlings. Starlings are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, so you must not attempt to remove nests and eggs.
A licence may be required to deal with a starling flock that is causing issues in and around your property. Consulting a pest control professional will therefore be a necessary requirement.
We implement physical barriers such as netting to protect buildings and other structures. Standard dispersal methods include acoustic techniques and falconry techniques to deter large numbers of starlings causing problems.