Corporate Responsibility
VEM Services strives at all times to maintain high standards of business practice and ethical behaviour. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships including ethical procurement with our supply chains, wherever in the country we operate. We pride ourselves as being a business with a purpose that focuses beyond profit and recognises our responsibilities to give back to society as a whole, whether on a local community basis, or ethical projects globally. We all collectively share one planet and with global climate change and economic inequality, we understand the impact that our activities may cause on others and the environment.
Our company is fully committed to the active promotion of equal opportunity in the provision of all its goods and services to customers and others. VEM Services are an equal opportunity employer and recognises its legal obligations under the Race Relations Act 1976, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Equal Pay Act 1970 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and as such has policies in place to ensure that no person or group of persons applying for employment will be treated less favourably than any other person or group of persons because of their race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation, religion, disability, marital status or membership or non-membership of a trade union.
We are committed to ensuring that our workforce reflects the diversity of the local community and in providing meaningful and purposeful employment that enables personal development and full opportunities to all of our employees. This is supported by providing a comprehensive staff training programme, including well-being courses. We ensure that the physical and psychological health of all of our employees is at the forefront of all that we do. Our remuneration benefits include providing a salary that meets the London Living Wage, or one which fits into the expected higher salary within the industry, whichever is the greater. Our company understands the importance of its workforce, who we recognise are its backbone.
To ensure the highest standards of quality, ethical responsibility towards communities and the environment are met, including developing a health a safety culture that permeates through everything that we do, we have sought accreditation through various external parties to drive this ethos through the business. This is enforced by regular auditing of our company processes, both internally and externally by outside third parties to ensure full compliance.
We are members of the pest management industry trade association, the National Pest Technicians’ Association. We hold SSIP Health and Safety certification with both Alcumus SafeContractor and CHAS. We have also built a Quality Management System (QMS) and an Environmental Management System (EMS) into our company procedures ensuring compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, and are currently working towards implementing a Health & Safety Management System to achieve compliance with ISO 45001:2018.
As a company we recognise the importance we play within our community, either through our employment process, using local suppliers in our procurement processes where possible, travelling by public transport or carrying out virtual meetings online to ensure that our carbon footprint is reduced and thereby reduce our impacts on air pollution to help protect the environment; we also recognise the importance of extending our responsibilities globally. We are continually striving to find new innovative ways to reduce our negative impacts upon the environment and ensure future sustainability of our company.
As a company we have provided work experience days and mentoring to assist people to gain meaningful employment in the pest management industry. We have also delivered free training events to bring our clients and other stakeholders together to help understand the complexities involved around pest management solutions and find innovative ways to solve problems.
We believe in returning something back to our local community and in doing so provide free services to Sanctus, an organisation that provides support in the heart of Chelmsford, Essex to individuals, with various complex needs that can receive food and support.
Some of our global projects include supporting ‘Project Lugger’, a small charitable organisation that works to try and help save the endangered Lugger Falcon. This organisation has set up a captive breeding programme and carries out invaluable work in Pakistan where this falcon is often trapped and used as ‘barak’ to trap more powerful falcon to sell onto the black market, resulting in the bird’s demise.
We also provide an ongoing regular corporate donation to SOS Africa, which assists in enabling the charity to continue their important work in delivering educational projects to children in Africa.
As outlined, the management team at VEM Services believe in developing and maintaining a business built with a purpose beyond profit.