VEM Services Limited recognises that modern slavery and human trafficking is a crime and a violation of human rights. Slavery takes various forms such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, bonded and child labour and human trafficking; all of which have a common dominator of depriving a person’s liberty in order to exploit for personal or financial gain. We are committed to implementing systems and controls, which includes constant review, to ensuring that modern slavery is not taking place within any part of our business or supply chains.
We are a private limited company based and operating solely in the UK, providing pest control services throughout London and surrounding counties of the South East corner of the UK. We have no overseas internationally based operations with a small number of UK based suppliers. Our company activities are disciplined into key areas of bird control and general pest control services. Our supply chains are small in number, who provide pest control products such as chemicals, application equipment, PPE and sundry items for our industry sector, with a small number of UK based sub-contractors providing specialist services (such as abseiling) when required.